A downloadable mod

Probably many people apart from me, when making a game in RPG Maker with a changed resolution, have to manually adjust where the line ends in order to move to the next one. It's frustrating when the end of a line is misplaced and either goes off-screen or there's still a lot of space left in the text box. Here comes my plugin written with ChatGPT. This plugin, depending on the number of pixels entered, is able to wrap the text automatically, it has been added so that it does not see special characters such as \. \| \{ \c[] so you can still operate the text normally. If we use the value using \v[] then the contents of the value will also be wrapped. This function should be available by default, thanks to this plugin my work in RPG Maker has become a bit more efficient, I decided to share this plugin.

Attention! If changing the value in the plugin options does not change the pixel value, it is required to change this value in the plugin itself, I am available to help if necessary.

Oh and one small thing, if the message is too long and exteeds the 4 lines the rest will be shown on the next message box, so You will know when the box is fully filled. Then You can shorten the content of the text box or continue to write, all new text boxes will be wrapped too.

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